I’m going to step back and off the political in this article. One reason is because, though the political affects each and everyone of us, it is minor compared to the shape our world is in. There is talk now about World War Three but that doesn’t bother us much as it has not yet been joined and there’s always room for diplomacy. Add to this the fact that war is ever a possibility that we live with and, let’s face it, none of us is going to live forever so war is not at the forefront of our minds. Life is, if we step back and consider the fast times we live in. Times that are faster than the world has ever seen. It is, in fact, an impossibility to stay abreast of the news as it changes hour to hour or minute by minute, depending.
Where are you and I in all this? This is the question we should be asking ourselves and one another. Some think they’re at the top of their game while most wonder what the next turn will bring. Shopping is getting unreal with prices soaring and no end in sight. Our population is dwindling as young people are putting off having children and our borders are wide open bringing adults with children over to our country with no affiliation with our mores. Hard scrabble people who want to do better and terrorists who want to kill all of us. Interesting huh? Who’d a thunk even ten years ago that a president and vice president would forsake our laws and allow America to collapse. America is collapsing and I think you know it or at least sense it. Out of kilter are we. We walk in a fever dream and do all we can to put it out of our minds with entertainment and thrills of all kinds.
Yet, there is a firm possibility, given the coordination of all this impetus, that this has been foretold to us. It just might be that what we are experiencing is what was written about thousands of years ago with a pin in the map pointing to our times, this world as it is now. I aim to speak of this here in bits and drabs so as not to skew the line this website is on. A bit by a guy named Matthew and also by John who took the time before any of us were a twinkle in our parents minds to write down the problems we would face thousands of years later. John did so on a small Greek island named Patmos. It’s kind of unnerving in one way and relaxing in another as knowing what is coming allows time to prepare. That’s more than the family hit by a drunk driver got to prepare, right?
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