Frame of Mind

To have a frame of mind first you need to have a mind that functions. There are all types of functions a mind can participate in if the body is willing. Mine functions better than my body now so running is a risk and diving off cliffs is best left to those who don’t mind heights. I’d look silly in Speedo’s and a parachute anyhow. Don’t even try to picture it!

The frame of mind for one who has steered themselves to politics is always questionable. You’d think a person could just go into politics to obey the law and do all he or she could to help out the citizens of some country or another. I can see the ironic grins on your faces already. “Sure, that’s going to happen,” you say glibly with a wink and a nod. And that’s the problem isn’t it? We are in an ironic mood as concerns politics because we know damn well that our vote is a shot in the dark, at best. It is the unelected and wealthy that seem to control the folks we voted for and not us. How cushy to be the chairman of the board of some conglomerate corporation. Quite cushy, in fact, and laws are written to benefit those just because they give “under the table” funds to those politicians who do their bidding. Did we really expect the world to change? Not if you have an ounce of good sense.

My frame of mind is to leave well enough alone. I want no responsibility for electing a woman like Kamala. A woman who runs amuck just with her rather witless grin. She will make a mockery of America as she knows naught but conflict to get her way. It’s her way or the Gulag is what I think. Of course, I have the frame of mind of one who has probably seen way too much in my short life. Brains out of heads and limbs cast away and all the mess in between. I somehow think that she and those who vote for her have not seen enough to know their enemy. Their enemy is not I.

Views: 45

Odd T.C.