Decades of Lies

It was close to the turn of the last century, 1900, that a new group of Bolshevik wannbe’s began calling themselves, “progressives.” These were a very few who loved what the Soviet Bolsheviks in then, Russia (before that country was renamed, Soviet Union) under Lenin, and thought what those revolutionaries were doing was a good thing. (This is not an argument against or for the Russian Czarists. This is a revelation that most American’s do not understand as pertains to what a, “progressive,” actually is.) It was then that they decided that America should be come a Soviet style government and set about making this happen through lies and deceptions.

This means that what we see now in people like Kamala Harris trying to get elected using deception and lies to both obscure or hide her real intentions is in itself a lie. She is up to noting good but is using the playbook of the progressive left to hide what her intentions really are.

All this talk of white people being inherently racist is a lie perpetrated to weaken the resolve through the guilt tripping of all of America. I notice that African-Americans are not falling for this but white people are. True, slavery was horrible but it also was ended. We cannot, in the deceptive minds of the progressives, ever live down what our ancestors, not us, did. The progressives may as well start blaming us for what Julius Caesar did also. There is no difference when deception is used this way.

The truth is that very few white people are racist, bigoted, smarmy or revile any race. As with all people, white people just want to do all they can and be left alone to do so. Leaving any race alone to seek their fortune is not what progressives want to allow. They are about control by any means possible to reach their ends and their ends are founded in communism. Communism is the antithesis of freedom and freedom is what we see quite well that we are losing after this last century. They’ve been extremely effective in their guilt tripping and lying ways. It is now time to put a stop to it so that we can all actually begin getting along and healing our divisions rather than being poisoned by the left,

Views: 46

Odd T.C.