One Might Suppose

I’ve been on this planet, living and breathing, for seventy-six years. Historically, this is the blink of an eye but I still remember what it was like to grow up in a nuclear world and the “Cold War.” Like it or not, my generation had a nuclear holocaust overshadowing all that we thought and did from cradle to adulthood. I had once thought that this was the reason for hippies, drugs, free love, and other decadence’s. “The pill,” came about back then so sex was rampant among my generation. That depravity seems to be the badge we who were young then carry with us to this day.

Some of us did not throw ourselves into that melee hook , line and sinker. Many did and many of those are gone. What strikes me now is the broad departure from the strong morality of former generations as, before my generation, sex meant children, not pleasure alone. One did not date and have sex before my generation because of the risk and, more, due to the moral guardrails set against such pleasures.

My context in putting these words here is how far we have wandered off course if one believes in a course for mankind. It seems as though we’re lost in the woods off the trail once deemed righteous. Righteous is now a slang phrase used now for some solid attempt at one thing or another. What it actually means is a solid understanding of law as put down by God. A law which says an absolute “no” to most of what is going down here on this planet now. We are a long way from home and lost in a world without a moral compass.

So, is it any wonder that we find ourselves in this mess we’re in? Not really, but it does prove the point pounded into me all those years ago; follow God and you walk in righteousness. Sounds quaint and old fashioned now doesn’t it? It certainly does and then I think of Noah and the Ark. History repeats.

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Odd T.C.