It Figures

Some days I actually walk away from writing. I mean, literally go for a walk and then come back refreshed enough to make some modicum of sense. There’s probably no dumber thing to do than to sit down to write when your mind is already swimming with stuff that happened that needs to be dealt with. Walking is the way I put the pieces back together.

Also, as I’ve not been reading too much of the Bible recently I figured the best way I could contribute was to begin a website discussing God and His plans for us in the near future. To get this readable I chose not to quote scripture but to give my viewpoint on what all of this means to each of us. That website is here, should you be interested,

I have just gotten this started and my plan is to expand it depending on the interest. I’ve had it up for about one week and it has gotten a lot of visits already which tells me I am not the only one wondering, or worrying, about our future. It is not a future to worry about after all this goes away. All this melee of political and national subsidence. Nations have gotten old haven’t they? Time for a change.

Views: 62

Odd T.C.