An Amazing World, eh?

One of the silliest questions we sometimes ask ourselves is: “Who are we?” If you’ve asked yourself this then your turn of phrase was: “Who am I?” Either way, singular or plural, the question is the same but the impetus of asking that question will vary with the individual.

The reasons for asking this is the pickle. The pickle we sometimes find ourselves in because we bit off more than we can chew or said something that put others off. I am famous for putting people off as I do way too much thinking and it gets in the way of simple dialogue. The fact that I am a few bricks short of a load when it comes to my thought process is yet another reason people don’t invite me to their parties. I don’t mind. I have my computer and this cave I work in. No one but my wife and young grandson come back here, for the most part.

To add to our pickle we also are stuck in this world and this world is full of pickles. This world is a veritable universal jar of pickles for that matter. The extremely sour variety of pickles with a sightly “past due” cast of green color. I often think of the world as a battle ground between good and evil, God and Satan. You and the Lottery or a penchant for fast cars and big homes. I try to stay away from all of this melee and so I have only a little money. Enough to eat well but a Ferrari isn’t in the cards and the lottery is a dollar wasted.

The world is actually what I began this website to discuss and I have done this in my patented “round about” way. My way of writing is like going to the store a mile away but getting there by driving to the Grand Canyon first. I didn’t really need to go to the canyon but , my, it was fun!

Please forgive me but if I got to the point directly I could have just called you on my cell. You wouldn’t want me to call you as I am a boring and self-contemplative person. It is all about me because I am always putting myself in a pickle and trying my best to get the lid off the jar from inside. You could learn a lot from all of my dunderheaded mistakes. But, then, you don’t make mistakes do you?

Views: 49

Odd T.C.