
Less than two weeks and we have a new president. Will the new one represent our Constitution or represent the constitution of Venezuela? Venezuela, you know, a socialist constitution that is there just to read on the toilet. My hope is for Trump and that should go without saying.

There has never been a more maligned man that Trump. The lies and projection thrown his way at every turn is sickening. How he does this, running yet again, is said by him succinctly, he loves America and it shows if you aren’t pinching your hind quarters together in disbelief. He is a real president and we haven’t seen one of these in a long, long time.

Nevertheless, Harris is a schmuck. One who probably doesn’t know what day it is or where she is scheduled to stand at a podium so that she can spit vile, lies, and false attributes about herself. To Kamala, the truth is a lie and vice versa. I’ve been around quite a while and seen politics from the assassination of John F. Kennedy to the debacle of Vietnam (first hand) to the warm sunshine of Ronald Regan. Though I cannot remember much, I was born when President Truman was in office.

America is on a road to destruction given the “deep state” and their hold on power. A surreptitious hold that is illegal yet, for the sake of leftist politics, they hold their cushy jobs without the threat of being fired if they go against the people of this country. It’s been a long road of overturning our law by the left and they learned to do this by occupation of the bureaucracy. This is why we are regulated to death and one of the primary reasons Trump must be elected, even if you feel the need to hold your nose.

It is Trumps way or America goes to the county dumps where it is lit ablaze and turned to smoldering ruins. They have already shredded our Constitution without regard to all the servicemen who gave their lives and limbs to uphold the dream of a free country for them and their children; that’s us, in case you were unaware. All those men you’ve never met and only hear about who were grievously wounded or killed in combat for you and, sadly, for a traitor like Kamala Harris and the “Deep State.”

Views: 68

Odd T.C.