If I had to pick two words to describe Kamala Harris the two are in the title of this article. We all know that “not smart” has nothing to do with being cagey or manipulative . . . bordering on dictatorship. One must also remember that what the left says of the right is what the left intends to, or is, doing. In this is the cagey part. The manipulative part. The dishonest to a fault part.
I said the same thing about Joe Biden with the caveat that his mind was pretty much gone which made Biden/Harris a dangerous duo and that is exactly what they turned out to be. This is why Trump is the man for the job even though he is older than I am by a few years. I was never a real estate tycoon though which is what a lot of people seem to consider Trumps one major fault. Wealth.
Wealth is as wealth does and we all know that a lot of shady wealthy people manipulate our government. These are the ones who lie about Trump because he is not one of them. Were this a movie we would not believe the plot. Nevertheless, Trump is the only one on either ticket that can bring America back to what she actually is. A non-prejudiced, independent, and smart population of wonderful people.
Too long we have been denigrated by the left as gun toting, bible reading idiots who cannot think for ourselves. I can see no purpose in perpetuating this lie but Harris is fully onboard with that lie and considers us so much detritus that she begs not to stoop before us. Imprisoning we who think her a vapid fool is what she plans. Don’t elect a vapid fool for the office of the world. That is what our President is you know? Like it or not our president has, since 1914, been the president of this world. And, no, we didn’t ask for this but the world is rather lame and cannot seem to stop warring amongst themselves.
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