
There are times in our lives when we just have to get back to basics. When it comes down to the basics it is best to define what “basic” really means. The basics, as I define them, are birth and death. How long between these depends on the shape we are in at birth and how long we continue to breathe. Beyond this we begin speaking of variables and variables have infinitely small variances and, sometimes, huge and monumental variances. Hitting a billion dollars in the lottery is one such variance. But we’re speaking of basics not shots at the Moon. Tripping over a fold in the carpet and breaking your leg is not major but rather a severe inconvenience.

Since we’re speaking of variables within the realm of basics we should speak of the sexes. Men and women with natural tendencies toward one another. We are not speaking of variables here just the basics or what many still call: normal, albeit, more quietly now so as not to offend all the variables out there floating around, rather like smoke and soot against a clear blue sky. Another way to put is is man made variables of mind. Of these, few comport with the basics. In fact, they do not comport with the basics so drastically that were it not for the basics we would not exist.

The basics tell us that men and women are different and most men and women are quite happy about this. However, when variables arise the basics are thrown out the window for variances in the variables of the basics so that the gears do not properly mesh thereby, rendering the vehicle of life somewhat unwieldy and enough out of proportion that the load shifts spilling the variables alongside the road. Are you following me so far? Good.

Above is just some random stuff that crosses my mind after walking four miles in the clear blue of the western skies. I greet neighbors, watch cats, wonder at how birds dodge things flying at such speeds, and watching the skies for clouds of odd shapes. Oh, and trying not to trip and fall on my face. My face looks damaged enough from age as it is. Yet, the mind never sleeps does it?

Views: 48

Odd T.C.