So, X and Vietnam

I recently threw off my attitude concerning social media and joined X. I had been banned from Twitter and my account on Twitter is still suspended on X. That is OK with me because now I can speak freely on X with the blessing of Elon Musk. Of course, the usual suspects are denigrating free speech given back under Elon which is par for the course, I pay no heed.

On the contrary, I knew it would take time to be followed on X as with any social media with discerning members. I just keep posting although I am not rabid about social media as some are. I go there to meet only a few fellow Americans of red, white and blue blood. And this is happening now.

I am a veteran of Vietnam, U.S. Navy. I was in the north of the Gulf of Tonkin and usually within the range of shore batteries and certainly within the range of combat aircraft and guided missiles. Why we were not fired on remains a mystery for which I believe I have answers but not any certainty.

It was coming home that removed me from the Democrat party as I soon learned that Vietnam was serving the Democrat party and not America. That realization was a slap in the face and I’ve never forgotten it. So, when Trump was elected I cheered and felt such great relief for my country that it took me a few weeks to stabilize. You see, under Kamala this country that I love would have ended. We would have been taxed into oblivion and so mismanaged that America would be only a memory to this world of feces.

Now, I feel free again and so should you unless you lack the intelligence of a can of beets.

Views: 90

Odd T.C.