
What does the “A.” in A.I. really stand for? We hear it spoken of as “Artificial,” followed by Intelligence. Are you aware of the number of data centers now being erected with permits being rammed through to build these by entities such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Google? The process of permitting is almost a forced reality as nothing seems to be standing in the way of these centers bring built.

One might consider that the “A” should stand for “Absolute,” rather than artificial because thought is not artificial if a thing is thinking at all. In this case it is an absolute, not artificial, intelligence. If you listen to the pundits they will tell you that there are no boundaries for artificial intelligence. Really? NO boundaries? Kind of makes a person stop to smell the coffee.

Of course, there are two sides to each issue but if one side is sloughed off purely for the sake of giddiness over a “new” product then Katie bar the door. Is anyone asking why we need artificial intelligence when the human race can screw things up all by themselves? And, if we can screw things up, unintentionally, all by our lonesome’s what do we need we need artificial intelligence for? It is a “NEW” thing seems to be the only answer.

Splitting the atom was a new thing to. One could say that penicillin was also a new thing but that was medicine, not power. Others say that A.I. can be used to save lives. Jesus is the one who can save lives and He is the one whose power we should look forward to.

No, A.I. is a Trojan Horse loosed once it is within the gates and who knows what will come from it. The minds that created this are imperfect and imperfection breeds imperfection. It is always best to ruminate on the spiritual when considering the artificial. Of course, I am just another idiot using the same intelligence that humans have always been cursed with, right?

Lastly, Three Mile Island, site of the nuclear accident in the 1970s, is being resurrected to power A.I. for Microsoft. It speaks of Katie who didn’t bar the door and in comes an apocalyptic horseman. Who knew?

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Odd T.C.