It’s either an old Beatle’s song or the time before Trump takes office. I believe I will harp again that it is only for four years. To some that is too long a time but to those like me and, I believe, you it seems not nearly enough time to right the wrongs of Biden and his progressive staff of twits.
Pronouns or jail? That should be over. Boys will be girls and girls will be boys? Non-biological but I don’t see that going anywhere soon. Ya never know though do ya? A woman as president next? If she is good at what she does why not? If she is yet another symbol of leftist glory, hell no! I urge you to remember Kamala and change party to republican if those demodolts run her or a woman like her again.
Things will be as rosy as this world will let them be in a week of eight days. That takes us from this writing to the 21st when the Executive Orders start flying and the illegals head south, east and west and the fence starts going up again. I believe the White House will have to be fumigated and coke residue cleaned up, so that may take a few hours. After Trump takes office sit back and consider how close we came to another four years of dolthood running America. Think long and hard how much intellect and stamina it takes to hold down the peace in this world and how close we came to losing all we wake upto each day no matter what it is you wake up to.
That beautiful sun rises no matter if you’re in a Gulag or on a farm or in an apartment wishing you could buy your first house. That house may be in your life now, sooner than you thought possible. So consider who you want to take Trumps place when the time comes. Hopefully, J.D. will fill the bill but, if not, be certain it is not another demodolt. Demodolts are about washed up but only if we don’t grow thick skulls again! Consider the children of the future first before yourself. That’s the way my parents did it you know. They thought first and it didn’t matter the party even though they were Democrats.
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