
No, not L.A. out in California but the Democrat Party. At one time, very long ago, I was a Democrat. At that time most of us Dems were middle of the road and this is most likely because America was not going so fast then. People had many fewer influencer’s and if a person did have influence they also had American principles. This Democrat Party and principles have not meshed but for a very few.

What are principles? In this case, it is faith in God, number one and love of our fellow men and women which springs from love of God and His laws. Once God was shipped out of our lives we boiled down to dogs biting off their infected leg. A pitiful sight thinking any man can make humanity change direction!

What is this about? We are not out of the woods until Christ gets here but the road to ruin is the road we are on. Read Matthew chapter 16 to get a 2000 year old, accurate treatise on our times. It is what motivates me to write here and what I hold out for hope instead of governments or nations. Human kind has problems both now, way back around the invention of the wheel, and in the near future. If we expect us to get us out of this we are sadly mistaken because politics and weapons are now primed and ready for Armageddon.

Faith is our salvation and faith is eroded and burned just like the L.A. fires. Yet, it is not too late to find God through Jesus.

At least think about it instead of rejecting what I place here outright.

Views: 47

Odd T.C.