Don’t ask me how but I recovered the original website: OddTC. That is what you are viewing now, just like it oughta be!
Not bad for a seventy-six year old nincompoop, eh?
Today we have a new president. It feels to me like the keystone of the American arch was just found and replaced to prop up this country for a little bit longer. As long as the arch stands, America stands but repairs are now urgent as the lintel is sagging and the cornerstone has shifted left from its original position of “dead center.”
I hope that your day is going as well as mine and I thank God I have glasses to see what the heck I’m doing now. Other wise this website would have appeared blurry to you and I would have felt I let you down. We’re off to the races again with new and thoughtful, perhaps salient, niceties from on high. Well, not that high but at least as high as my mind can reach.
Peace through strength is all this world understands which is why Biden was an utter failure. It wasn’t all about his decline mentally it was about the decision making that went on without him. A treasonous stew and I don’t believe that a number of those making these decisions against the Republic will get away with it. The chance for pardons are gone now.
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