
My Mom used to have a term for wasting time: Dwiggles. You’re not going to find it in a dictionary but if you are “dwiggling your time” you’ve wasted productive minutes or hours getting nothing accomplished. It kind of sounds dirty, eh? My Mom had her mannerisms but filth wasn’t one of them.

I was raised in a pretty strict home. Loving to a degree but more businesslike than cuddly. A thing that needed to get done had better get done and that, in a timely manner. There were no messes in any portion of the home . . . ever. We were fairly poor but not eating from the gutter. Leftovers were on the menu at least four days of the seven. Cheap cuts of meat (pot roast) or sometimes scrambled eggs were what we got. Fish on Friday, usually sole because fish was cheap then. Chicken BBQ’d about once a month, if that.

Looking back I realize that my wife and I changed many things as her childhood wasn’t that much different than mine as far as income. When our kids came along we were in far better straits than during post World War Two. I had my own business which was thriving and my wife was an R.N. with a five year degree and one in public health nursing. Our kids, however, were raised strictly. They had more but an old vet like me didn’t put up with a lot of dwiggles from the kids. Military has its leftovers and discipline and getting things done is one of them. No nonsense is yet another because fooling around with life gets people killed.

It’s been a while since I wrote on Odd T.C. so I figured a little background might be a good way to pick it up here again. The kids? They’re all doing wonderfully despite what life has handed them which, for one of them, included cancer. They already know how to handle themselves.

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Odd T.C.