The last five days I’ve been set upon by weariness. It is age more than anything else but it does sometimes force a time out for this head of mine. Gumption disappears with fatigue but a few days of getting things done through force of will puts me back in line with necessity. I love to write and I do hope that you find what I place here fun or thoughtful, maybe both. You will notice that I try to pull the reigns in on telling you that I am right about everything. I am not but I get enough right that I feel confident in putting this website on line.
I decided that I wanted to change things up for a short while and get a little personal about who I am and what moves me to do this when so much else is available to fiddle with. I’d rather sit here pretending I can type than most anything I could do except walk. Just to communicate is what I use the internet for.
We are now at hundreds of thousands attending here so that is inspiring. Who da thunk even a year ago?It is fun and I do hope my writing makes sense to many who come here. If it doesn’t there’s not a heck of a lot I can say to that person who finds this uninteresting.
My health is excellent so I should be able to keep this going for a while. Walking is what I do now because I don’t dare ride a bike anymore. I may be dumb but I’m not stupid! I wish you health and love in your life.
(I placed an image on this post that I shot in Vietnam, long, long ago. I rode on that helo more than once. This is in the Gulf of Tonkin (1971) off Haiphong Harbor, North Vietnam in the combat zone.)
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