Really, it is a state of mind, getting old. For myself, the last thing I would do is say that getting old is a lark. Yet, the opportunity to have all the pressures of raising a family, tending to a business, and paying ever rising bills is now in the past. It would be ever present if my wife and I had not applied all we knew to getting to where we are, comfortable. Never rich but managing to achieve a balance of income to outgo.
However, that is the financial side of of life and I think we would all do better without inane politicians taxing us while using their offices for getting rich. Do we pay them to do better than us? I don’t think that is the way it is supposed to work. That aside, it boils down to the retention of health when you begin the glide path to eighty.
When I was sixty-five I made an assessment of what I was eating and what I was doing physically, based on what my parents did at that time of their lives. It was then that I changed my diet to include both green and cooked vegetables as one-half my diet. Nothing awkward or notable just subtle changes and I also began walking for distance and speed. It was back then that I recalled how much I used to walk or backpack as a youthful guy. I rode a bike to classes in college but stopped all of that when I was working. Mistake.
I began walking for distance, as I stated above, and the more I walked the more I enjoyed life, got to know neighbors a few miles away and became a bit of goofball as I joked with them when I walked my route day after day for years. Being as how my hair is gray and I don’t look like I’m in high school any longer I told them that I was trying to find my house. “Still looking for it,” I shouted to them as I walked quickly by. A hint of senility in a packaged manner that always gets a laugh or a smile.
I take these days quite seriously but without worry about the ultimate finality. There is naught I can do about it but quip so that is what I do. I also try to write at least a few times a week here just to share my thoughts and that helps me to remain positive in my outlook.
The walking has had great impact on my health as I see the doctor only once a year for a check up. I have managed to keep my mind intact through forcing it to respond to learning to do my limited amount of computer programming. Understanding code at my age is not typical. Being self-taught is not a thing I ever expected to be able to do when it came to building and maintaining websites. It came from limited but consistent exercise on a regular basis. I do hope that you enjoy my prattle and that you get some positive reinforcement from what I place here. Walk, it is great fun!
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