The Last . . .

The last person I gave any chance of learning to understand and take advantage of the internet was me. It all started with a dial up modem in the late 1990s, a new game out called, “Myst,” and prior knowledge of working with tech: U.S. Navy, Vietnam, Electronic Counter Measures. I dang near stayed in the Navy after two tours of Vietnam combat but decided to go back to college.

Three and one half years of college and I was asked to help my Father in his new business, glass and glazing; cutting, fabricating and installing glass of all sizes. Most sizes big enough to cause knee knocking of a person twice my size. Twelve feet by nine feet in just one sheet of quarter inch glass. (about two hundred pounds) – Saved me from gym membership!

So, there I was not being an anthropologist and not missing that study. However, the tech, when it showed up here at my home, was overwhelmingly fascinating then. Having worked on a lot of classified equipment back in the Navy I took to it quickly. Now, here I am.

It is kind of weird to have put all of this together. Certainly a long way from where I was at three years old! When I retired from the glass business I thought about going back to finish up my degree but by then the world had passed me by. Starting over wasn’t going to happen. I am thrilled to be writing this and having so many people stopping in. I am also grateful for your time spent here and I thank you quite sincerely. I wish you peace in all that you attempt and get done in your lives.

Remember the Alamo!

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Odd T.C.