
I just realized that, “Mom,” spelled upside down is: Wow. Why didn’t I realize this decades ago as it is so fitting? Well, it takes an addled brain to come up with this stuff so, I continue “Addling” along. After all, I am old and I really don’t care as it is merely reality and fighting reality makes a person a “Progressive” and that term means a person is next to useless in any positive way. So it goes.

For those who come here regularly, thank you, as each of you are one of almost 200,000 (+) visitors here in just a few short months. I won’t say I do deserve this following or I don’t, but it is a wonder to behold, so many dropping by. Commonality is the question so I make a narrow assumption that we do have some small things in common. Respecting Donald Trump and knowing that he should be and now is our next president is an accomplishment whose goodness is yet to be measured but the alternative candidate has been pre-measured and the measurement came out small and narrow. Like a shirt or a blouse that is fifteen sizes too small.

America was floundering under Biden and it would have been thrice floundering and possibly sunk with that twit in office. We are not out of the woods yet, though. Much needs to be done to bring our populations minds back into line with reality. We’ve been living in the progressive fantasy for far too long and I take it all the way back to the Clinton’s when they tried to call our Constitution a “living document.” What they meant by that is that they should be allowed to change the Constitution to keep up with the politics of the season. The progressive season, in their case. If you study history you will know that the progressive movement goes back to the early 1900s and was founded out of love for the “Bolshevik” movement which took over Russia by revolution and turned it into the Soviet Union. Remember Lenin? Stalin? Nasty individuals, both! Akin to Hitler in so many ways.

I began this with no clear idea of where it would go but it would seem that this website has struck a chord and for your participation I send a huge, Thank You! You are so much appreciated by me. And me is just a grizzled old Vietnam vet. Again, thank you all for attending my website the past several months. It is onward and upward from here. Stay positive, because negativity kills!

Views: 123

Odd T.C.