I want to say, right out front, how grateful I am for the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris mutual masturbation administration policies. I have understood, first hand after Vietnam, how horrific is the left in this country. How devious and warped the minds of this movement can be, is. What lengths they will go to to subvert America and turn her into a third world country, with a lot of help from China behind the doors of both houses.
Without Biden and Harris we might not have seen how treacherous this nations left wing is. How easily a country can become bankrupt with no one minding the books and spending away the future of coming generations. To see how horrific is the defense of America under the curse of the left wing of this country. And how wonderful a Trump change-of-pace will be now. No, we have dodged a barrage of ruination and credit goes to the alarm clock it turns out the Biden Harris administration was. (WAS = past tense)!
I remember Joe stuttering on a phone call with Harris, “Are you ready to go to work,?” is what Joe asked her, supposedly off the cuff with a surprise phone call. Phony before they even took the Oval Office. Phony from day one through the next four years as America went from the top to sliding down almost to third in status.
This world, without America, would be a dictatorship by the United Nations. We would all be enslaved without America and the past be damned! It’s over, the past, and we now need to move the hell on! If you can figure out a way to fix past sins Heaven will thank you. All we can do as mortal men and women is to say, “Never again.” (and mean it from the heart.) Drop this victimization buffoonery and move along into a bright future for all. This was the intent of our founders, that bright future. This is why I went to war, this bright future. How many on the left have done one positive thing for the America they despise? Answer this and you win the prize.
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