The title, “Stinking, Fetid Water,” describes a swamp. I could have made a list of adjectives describing a swamp but selected those two, stinking and fetid, to nail down the description of water one does not want to dunk their toe into. Especially if said toe has any type of injury on it.
Standing on an island out in said swamp is one man, Trump. This man’s intention is to bring clear, pure water into the swamp but the denizens of the swamp want nothing more than to preserve their home as it is, this is all they know and it seems right to them. However, they care not for the surrounds of this swamp. All those that live outside the swamp’s environs.
It is those outside the swamp that, when the wind is right, smell the stench of decay and sometimes feel sickened by it. Fever, cough or upset over that stench rife with disease and undermining the financial health that we want to feel. The swamp does not care that we exist as the environment we live in is considered by those denizens to be trite and useless. Yet, the poison of that swamp has turned those denizens minds to mush. They do not think correctly and have chosen ignorance over clarity of thought.
This is where DOGE comes in and DOGE would not exist but for Trump. This is a good thing as I have watched over 76 years my income shrink, decade to decade due to waste, fraud and abuse of the monies I’ve been forced to send to this swamp via the IRS. If my money is wasted it isn’t by me. I spend cautiously and only when necessary. Not so the denizens for the money they waste is not theirs it is ours. Thus, this swamp needs cleaning, clarity and fresh water to replace the foul, fetid, stinking environment that is the swamp. The same swamp that sent me to war, I might add.
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