Over the past several days I have pondered the democrats of D.C. When one considers the length they went to in Trump’s first term and what many of them on TV say about Trump now, one wonders if some of this doesn’t border on treason. At the least, they upset the entirety of this country wailing their lies about Trump and Russia and fifty or so of the intel folks signed a letter saying Trump was some type of Russian patsy.
Treason is a thing that can take a country down and harm or take lives of the innocent. Lies are against God and treason harms far too many. The cost of all that useless haranguing against Trump partially stymied much of what he wanted to do. Those things he wanted to get done were for you and I.
It was none but the Democrats who told these lies and many of them were in the House and Senate. Not to mention the cable news channels who went whole hog on the ruining of his presidency. It harmed America and that means you and I. Who was behind those attempted assassinations? You should consider this before you listen to such outlets as CNN and MSNBC who threw in with the traitors just for ratings. I suppose all of these are getting their due now. Ratings for both those channels are in the toilet and well deserved is it that they are floundering.
FOX stood by Trump the entire time and called out the liars on the other cable networks.
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