What Now?

It would seem that this little website has had in excess of 231,000 visitors. Why? One would suppose that what I place here is of interest to many, I guess. Seeing as how I named this, “Odd T.C.,” I had no idea that the website would be up more than a few weeks until I called it good and took it down. Lord knows I have tried many times to write a popular website. However, that was back then and this was more about now than even I realized.

Politics is still popular and that may be a good thing as Trump has about 40 days to go before he can start righting the wrongs, oh, so wrong, of all that Biden has screwed up and is still doing his best to screw up. I wish the old fellow no harm but if he would just call Trump and say he’s through mucking up America and could Trump take an early start at being president, I would be pleased as punch. Sure, that’ll happen.

So, are you looking forward to a new president or, if not, is it because you voted for Harris? Shame on you if you did. What were you thinking? That two wrongs make a right? That has never happened but has caused some to get even. That was a nasty fight, I’ll tell ya!

I’d like to say that I am ready for a fight but I couldn’t keep up with a clogged kitten now. Oh well, it all takes time doesn’t it? Where’s the exit?

Views: 110

Odd T.C.