So, Direction?

These times are unsettling as we find ourselves wondering what tomorrow will bring. But, tonight is the presidential debate and yet one more unknown factor is thrown at us when before these times one political party was as good as the other in most cases. There was not this push and pull to the left or right as politicians used to be reasonably close to the middle of the road. There are always outliers and there always will be.

The last couple of decades I have grown particularly alarmed that the democrat party has gone far leftist. I don’t say left I say leftist as that is the direction of socialism and communism, neither of which have ever worked. Try, try again must be the closeted motto of these individuals and try they are with Kamala.

There was a time when a person such as Kamala would never make it to the track, much less into the presidential race. America used to reject people like her out of hand and there was no sense in even trying to get a woman like her elected. She would be far to radical to even consider. There used to be a shadow government we called “common sense.” America was founded on common sense and without it we have what we are seeing. Indifference, sloth, caustic attitudes. What we used to refer to as spoiled brats. It’s an apt term when you see how little intellect is actually being used in decision making now. Everything is staged and reactionary, not thought through and a mutual decision made on the way forward. It is tearing the fabric that has made America strong. and, it is purposeful and Kamala is the hood ornament for the leftist move to power. She has no use for you and I, only to further the cause of socialism. It is not yet too late to deny her. Please do.

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