Needful Things

Such an amazing plethora of goods and services is available to all of us now that choice becomes a problem. If, that is, you have the money to take advantage of any of this. What is lacking is a decent government which seems to always be the case, decade after decade. Then again, their is the truth that nothing is perfect followed by, there is nothing new under the sun. It isn’t just here though as it is typical of elected governments. Even this offers selection that is often hard to choose from.

We have this “problem” because our country has done so well for so long that many of us have become spoiled. That might be a good problem to have were it not for a thought of, it’ll be OK, no matter who gets elected. A woman for president? Great, let’s elect her so we can have a FIRST! Does it matter what her record is? Is not the importance of an election how good the candidate will be for the citizens? For our standing in a dangerous world with nukes owned by too many nations?

Evidently, the spoiled generations are going to have their way without regard to any of the above. Too many choices breeds complacence and the reality of having to vote for one you don’t care for versus one who doesn’t know what she’s doing is just fine. Too many choices breeds contempt for reality.

We are about to enter into the age of surrealism where watches are draped like wet clothes over the branches of trees. Where sinister shapes draw themselves out of dark forests and woodwork. Where nothing familiar is without also being misshapen and contorted into painful positions of torture. Is this the mindset of an entire generation? If it is then this is the nature of too much choice setting in like a fever dream. It’s a sad state of affairs but there may also be an ancient reason for this. The season of unreason has set in yet again. Welcome, Caligula.

Views: 57

Odd T.C.