Odd T.C.?

If you’re following my work on this website you recognize two things: I am not a fan of our world but I am a fan of God. Now, fan doesn’t adequately describe my feeling for God as that feeling is based on gratitude. A gratitude for the chance to both screw up royally and then be given the chance to clean up my act and, thus, be forgiven. Who said any of this is easy? It wasn’t God.

Why, oh why, do we make things so difficult on one another? Why do we kill at the drop of a hat and why do so many choose to ignore the Bible? Or worse, call the Bible myth or fiction. Science is really at the crux of this as the Bible is either not quantitative or we have not found the formula to open the message of the Bible fully. Some say they have and I do hope that isn’t just ego as many will follow them to what end?

My personal way of looking at the Bible is that it answers questions, tells us how to act, and let’s us know the consequences for our actions, be those actions good or evil. I also believe that this was the message, one of many, that Jesus came to allow us to understand through His parables. Really, though, all in the Bible is meant to be understood by the simplest of men and women. After all we are not all cursed with genius such as Oppenheimer who invented the atomic bomb. Talk about consequences.

I began reading the Bible out of curiosity around age eleven. I didn’t know of its holy nature then, the words, not the book itself. The book itself is merely paper with printing on the pages. It is the word declared through that print that is holy and that word cannot be changed even though some try to substitute what they think. A few religious organizations have done this saying that previous versions were incorrect. Still, the message is intact, always.

This is where the “odd” part comes in as I have believed the Bible since the aforementioned age of eleven. My belief came a little at a time through the reading and study and comparison of my thoughts versus others thoughts. What came from those discussions was agreement and that is how I progressed.

Of course, being imperfect I have screwed up mightily and immorally more than once. No longer. Now I just await the end of my days feeling like I still haven’t done enough. So, I share both here and a couple of other places. Hope you don’t mind.

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