Love Odd

There is really no excuse for me. I came to this realization the end of September when I mysteriously changed from seventy-five to seventy-six. If I saw this coming why was I so surprised when it got here? Nobody gave me one million dollars for my birthday either. It figures when you’re only eighteen inches tall. You sort of get overlooked. I’ve seen shadows on pavement that take up more space than I do.

You’re probably wondering, the way I’ve lived my life, how I even got here. Well, that makes three of us and the third is invisible and a lousy catcher in baseball. Where does the pitcher throw the ball? Is there a pitch called the, “best guess?” I’ve seen a few on the Giants for which that term may apply.

Some of you may call this article a space filler and that’s OK if you do. When you’re as short and old as I am you need room to wander mentally. My wife will have none of it so I do that here. She’s six foot nine. Go figure.

I thought a change of pace might be in order seeing as how there is a chance now that Trump will win and that’ll leave not much to speak of here. I know, that “if” is a lot bigger than I am and you had to point that out to me didn’t you? Big this, big that. In the end it is all just dust anyhow.

Anyway, have a great day, evening, or what ever time or dimension you’re in and I’ll see you when I get a little taller.

Views: 52

Odd T.C.