
I’ve always loved science as a discipline and studied many different aspects of science in college. From chemistry to botany to biology and geology. At that time, after my Vietnam service in the 1970s, some rather pathetic scientific minds, undisciplined and politically motivated minds, decided to declare the coming, “Ice Age.” This was before “Global Warming” but the minds were the same.

It was in my geology class that our professor told us to study up on the previous ice age when the warming of the Earth was responsible for the demise of that ice age and that we were still in that warming trend. Whether there was humanity then is a question not easy to answer except by guessing.

From that time I have been more or less alert to the political nature of some scientists where politics has no business just like prejudice against one race or another has no business. Keeping politics out of science is an absolute law. There is no room for objectivity on the micro level with politics in the equation.

To finish, I love science and know how beneficial it is and how much we need objectivity in those disciplines. Politics is an errant experiment which muddies the results, the philosophy and truth of science. There is no room for politics as it is tainted from the start. Educators should know better but when educators are spoiled brats they don’t care.

Views: 66

Odd T.C.