As the wind down of this current administration is in full swing I wanted to take a step back and consider just what we had for the last four years. You know, the imprint of the last four years in one word. There are any number of illustrative words that come to mind but, “lawless” is the one that floats to the top.
Illegal immigration is the main sub-topic and a close second is the taking advantage of the taxpayer by giving payouts to illegal immigrants and to students who took out college loans. All on our dime! There are myriad of these “payola” schemes that were done putting you and I as the fish who end up paying money we don’t have to cause our nation to be worse for us. It is mind boggling, the money this is costing us. Trillions when it is all added up. So much money that if China foreclosed on us we would all be out on the streets. This after a lifetime of work to allow us to have what little we do own. The “American Dream” on Life Support.
The Biden, Harris administration needs to be investigated and the fact that they were not investigated tells us of the corruption going on in the halls throughout Washington D.C. and, especially, the Justice Department.
My friends, we have been sold down the river by Biden/Harris and the fact that she was not elected as president is the only reason people like me are not locked up for talking about it.
This is why I urged people to vote for Trump on this website and my other website. I wish you happy holidays with hope for a better tomorrow for you and your families. We have dodged a bullet of unimaginable proportions with the election of Trump. Do not doubt it for it is truer than the propaganda outlets of CNN and MSNBC ever wanted you to know or understand.
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