I guess you could say that I have my strange ways in thought and doing things. I may as well inform you that you do also, even if you remain unaware of your oddities. Most of us, however, are aware that we are all a bit off of what is considered the norm and this without being antisocial. It’s just the way it is, to over simplify psychiatry. I am no psychiatrist and I even have to remember how to spell it to type it here. Of course, I graduated in the fourth grade by never going to school again. It was rough times back then.
It was the seventh grade when I first belted a guy who had picked on me since first grade. That was the end of that as I had no idea how positive a bloody nose could be when received by a coward. Interesting psychology that. You just can’t get away from psychiatry no matter how hard one tries. You’d think we were all crazy to even have invented the mental sciences. Just live, do your best, and let the chips fall where they may is my advice. Oh yeah, I backwarded the “about” title above so that you could find a new word to add to your lexicon. The straight line represents a mirror, figuratively, just to demonstrate my creativity. Not much there, eh?
I began this website with no thought in mind and it isn’t a plea for help either. I am so far beyond help that the ambulance stopped coming to my state. I think it’s contagious. And here you are reading this with hope on your face. That is hope isn’t it? Your left eye brow is sagging a little.
I call this Odd TC because I am not one to be stifled with. No, I meant “stifled!” I hate being stifled but nobody understands me so woe is me as well as those who used to be my friends. Most of ’em are dead now and I’m almost seventy-six so you see my dilemma. There’s not enough time left not to be half-witty. Half is all I have so half is all you get or, you could frame it this way, half is all you want from me if you take my advice as what I have is catching.
I believe it is this world which has me flummoxed. It makes not a lick of sense to me and, in essence, never has. I mentioned being picked on until I made a fist above so you see where I’m coming from. Hell, I took it so far, that fist, that I went to Vietnam twice. That sort of left me addled once I got home and began drinking copious amounts of liquor. I’ve been off the hooch for over eleven years with no meetings so I may still have a lick of sense left. But, this isn’t about me, it’s about you.
How are ya doin’? Good I hope. I really do as I wish no ill to anyone that isn’t a bank robber, rapist or politician. Yeah, that’s a small boat but the water is up to the gunwales. I know about gunwales because I went to Vietnam on a big, bad warship. Nuclear warheads and all! We didn’t get the chance to shoot off any nukes but we had a wonderful time anyway. Killing is such a lark . . . until you get out, get home and have time to think about what you did. Why doesn’t matter. It sucks to say the least and I refuse to go any further down that road. Been there, wish I hadn’t done that.
Peace, and I do hope you will attempt to understand what I put here but remember I told you I had only one friend. I do stitch this stuff together, given the appropriate length of time you’ll find the seams at the edges.
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