A Democrat

That is what I am, a Democrat. My birth family were all Democrats so it was natural for me to carry that on. Until, that is, Vietnam. I bring this up because that war was totally unnecessary though we were told it was to stop communism from taking over Southeast Asia. In those years all this government was Democrat from Kennedy through Lyndon Johnson and that war just kept growing larger and my generation was of draft age; baby boomers.

I don’t know how many of my brothers in arms were drafted but I wasn’t having any of it so I joined the U.S. Navy. That was my only choice and even with that I knew that I would go to Vietnam. It was almost unavoidable back then. As I have said many times I have always loved the thought of going to sea so that is why I chose the Navy.

It was after I had come home and gotten out of the service, four years and two combat tours later, that I saw what was going on as I resumed college with already a year of college before I went into the service. It was a certain group of students, some communists, that were finding the anti-war movement to be a lever to pry apart the young people from the goodness that America is in this world. Not a perfect country, none are, but a country that had spent trillions of dollars in justified war, previous to Vietnam, to save Europe’s bacon and keep the world safe from both Nazism and communism. The lives lost in dong this are staggering but those men, just like me, had volunteered and had done yeoman work in pushing dictatorship’s back into oblivion.

I look at this world now and see the Democrat Party as a whole a threat to our way of life. Those same vagrants of mind I met in college are now grandfathers who taught in colleges to spread socialist viewpoints while starting to tear down the fabric of America. America was the savior of so many nations before and without her this world is going to die. Without her strength those countries that badmouth us will go back to being satellites of Russia and Europe may also meet a surrender of their lives to communism be that from China or Russia.

Kamala Harris is part and parcel of this threat thorugh deception and outright lies. She has no love for our country and Walz has a decided love for China. He admits this himself with the “Little Red Book” of Mao and his “wonderful vacations” spent probably on China’s dime there.

It is time for Trump again though, if your news is CNN or MSNBC you think that Trump is a reprobate and a liar. This is foolish thought. He is not every bodies cup of tea but the liars are all in the Democrat party and this includes Harris and Walz. And, no, I am no longer a Democrat. Instead, I am a Bible student and this precludes politics but my experience is a warning that America is going to be destroyed by a Harris presidency and Biden has gotten that fall from grace already begun. All I am saying is that it is time to wake up or vote for Harris/Walz and don mourning clothes as we watch Lady Liberty die a slow but certain death. It is up to you as I am old enough to not have to write or worry about it but for the coming generations. I do worry about this election for them and so should you.

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