
A few days back I realized, suddenly, that I am now elderly. I was somewhat taken aback by how relative that term is to me now. Then I shrugged and said it’s the bad with the good and walked on down the lane. It is the getting old that most of us fear. In my case I got old by luck as I damn near did myself in with booze over a decade in the rear view mirror. Oh well, I managed to get through it relatively unscathed.

What I mean by saying this is that the world isn’t about me, it is about all of us and to live properly we all have to do one thing and that is not to take advantage, one over another. Equality is a nice phrase but it lends itself toward treatment of one to another more than it does that each if us is the same. Equity is basically a term that has no meaning when applied to human beings. It means less than anything that the Bible doesn’t already tell us. It is when the Bible is kicked out of the public square that people seem to feel superior to each other and superiority is not a term to apply to human beings. We eat. sleep, breathe and a few other things that make us all the same. Then we grow old and die and what is left of us? Not a heck of a lot as anything those who survive us do will not bring us back. What then?

Well, this is something I have wrestled with most of my life and now I am on the pathway up to the doorstep. There’s no denying it any longer. The closer I get the more I want to be able to tell who is going to open that door and let me through. I am no prize as a human being. I am sure that they who exist in eternity are not crawling all over each other to be the first to open that door and let me through. Not if I know myself and my past well enough. More than likely I am going to be shoveled off into some waiting room of immense proportions and told to take a number. “Don’t call us, we’ll call you.” Looking around I can see no restrooms, or water fountains for that matter. Those needs are in the past.

So, here I am, elderly, and I really don’t give the derriere of a redolent rodent. Oh, I’d kind of like to be young again and I would also kind of like to be the first person to set foot on the planet, “Surcease.” That’s in the “Takeiteasy” galaxy just south of Bakersfield, California and you can see the Southern Cross from there. No, I don’ t want a do over. I want to meet those whom I pray to and that isn’t going to be easy given the life I’ve led. Elderly is not a state of mind nor is equity. These are dumb terms when better terms should be applied for the given situation. Equality and Older Than Dirt are fine with me. You?

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