
I am not going to harp about the past that I lived through and observed. I found it awful when people my age now did this as the past is not coming back and the future is undecided. I will only say this: the past was working hard and living properly. The past is also misrepresented by political and educational dolts. They choose to leave out the majority while piling onto the past the few who were rotten in any age or epoch. Rotten as to hate, prejudice, wickedness and ignorance.

With that stated plainly it is time to look ahead. What are we seeing as our future? Mine is, of course, short, but I don’t see it that way as I have done the best I could with what I had to work with, intellectually and financially, to leave something good for my children and grandchildren and, I might add, avoiding complicating the lives of any who came after me. I did this against all odds but with faith in God and Jesus, His son. I have maintained my faith since childhood and even though I fell terribly into the abyss at one time I crawled out and stood straight again.

I see problems in your future if you don’t mature quickly and shove aside the political dogma and slander of the left. A cult if ever there was one. An evil presence in our capitol and our nation. A web of lies, ingratitude, and avarice is what they bring forth to sully our history and our future. A mature person recognizes the innate weakness of humanity and strives to be better through love of our fellow man as being weak. Weakness is what glues civilization together as the weak bring out strength in the few who lead. Nothing is easy and it isn’t meant to be easy for us as we are imperfect and devoid of wisdom except for one place. That place is the Bible which tells us much of what I am telling you. It is more than worth a read if you are wise and curious. Well worth your time.

Views: 130

Odd T.C.