California has always been my home but for a couple of tours of combat in Vietnam. Even back then I was stationed aboard a guided missile cruiser in San Diego. This was in the late sixties to early seventies. It was aboard the ship that I went to war twice and got back with naught but an injured spine. Hurts like hell but I’m alive to speak of it.
I learned a lot but like each life lesson it takes time to be completely absorbed and one of those lessons is you don’t want a dolt in charge of an organization. We have one here in California named Gavin Newsom. Quick talker and shallow thinker and a prime example of the waste of modern higher education.
My first job was as a summer firefighter in the Marin County Fire Dept. I did that job for two summers; five on, two off, days of work and days off. It was after that that I enlisted in the U.S. Navy and the rest you can guess.
Above all, what I learned was how to be mature of thought when it comes to working with people. How best to make a small organization work efficiently and also keep happy those who were prone to being happy. Of course, there are always those who are satisfied with nothing but those don’t last long in any job and then complain that it was always someone else’s fault that they got fired. So it goes.
Biden got fired, is the way I look at it. Biden is a waste of flesh and I say that with great humor. He should never have been in charge of anything more than keeping time. He has almost ruined America and her promise to the children coming up. He is a travesty as are those who elected him and put him in position to be elected to president. All of these individuals are Gavin Newsom’s lite. Shallow thinkers with short term memories. A waste of time made by their mothers and fathers whether at birth or growing up with silver spoons in their mouths with minds of teenage grandeur but no substance. A curse on America is the way I believe it should be seen as history reflects back on our times.
It is now up to Donald John Trump to pull us back from the cliff but it didn’t have to be this way. I blame those who elected Biden and the news channels who spent all their time lying about Trump trying to turn America against being saved again. We were dangling over the edge and bound for the rope to snap if Trump had not been elected. I only hope that it is not too late to rectify all the stupidity of this current administration as our being fouled has opened Pandora’s Box concerning the world stage.
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