Yet Another

Yesterday I got the primordial itch to write of my, shall we term it, “belief system.” Long ago I left organized religion to strike out on my own to find a truth that was old and settled. Not science or politics but truth as it stands brightly in this darkness.

For a few years I have attempted to write of this but have grown tired of quoting this or that in the Bible on websites as it didn’t allow the sorting that, I feel, we all need to derive a goodness from what we think. I posted a bio for my first article there just a few hours ago and will let you know, should any be interested, the URL in a day or two.

Unlike the software for this website the one I began does not allow for anything but text. That is a challenge to me as it puts much more emphasis on my writing so as to keep it vital and worth your time. I am up for that challenge and will publish the news when I feel I am certain that this is the way I am going to go. Either way, this website shall remain. For good or ill, as the case may be.

Views: 53

I Don’t “Think” I’m a Man. I know It. The Short Path Where Was I?
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Odd T.C.